
91勛圖 recognizes outstanding Indigenous students

Photo of Indigenous Student Awards
91勛圖 President Meric Gertler presented Audrey Rochette (left) and Atik Bird (right) with the Outstanding Native Student of the Year awards (photo by Johnny Guatto)

Audrey Rochette and Atik Bird worked hard in university to excel and give back to their Indigenous communities. Now they hope to inspire others by example. 

Rochette, a leader in the Native Student Association, and Bird, who has worked with Indigenous victims of domestic abuse, were each awarded the at the 91勛圖s First Nations House on Thursday. Worth $4,000, the award recognizes Indigenous undergraduate and graduate students at the top of their class who contribute to their communities.

Its important to celebrate excellent Indigenous students like Rochette and Bird because their examples encourage others to succeed, said Jonathan Hamilton-Diabo, director of Aboriginal student services at First Nations House and coordinator of 91勛圖s Council of Aboriginal Initiatives. Many of our students struggle to get here, he said. To hear their stories, it shows other people that theyre not alone.

Audrey Rochette started at 91勛圖 in her 30s, has acquired a BA in political science and is now working towards a master's. She wiped away tears after accepting an award for the undergraduate Outstanding Native Student of the Year (photo by Johnny Guatto)

Rochette always wanted to attend university, but wasnt sure she would after becoming pregnant before the end of high school. She worked in corporate sales to support her family until starting at 91勛圖 in 2012 and earning a BA in political science last June. The Woodsworth College alumna is a graduate of the .

You come from such a place that you think, am I going to make it to graduation? Do I belong here? she told 91勛圖 News. Once you start getting involved in the community, you end up going for a masters, a PhD and the sky's the limit. 

She is now working toward a masters in religious studies. If all goes to plan, she will have a new study buddy at 91勛圖 next year: her son Justin, who is applying for undergrad. They got a taste of what its like attending the same university last summer when Justin completed a mentorship program in medical sciences.

Rochette made an impression on campus as Crane Leader in the Native Students Association. She petitioned the university for more Indigenous content in 91勛圖 classes across all departments. And as a result, she was appointed co-chair of a university working group of faculty and students looking at Indigenous teaching and learning within the arts and sciences.

She has also spread awareness of Indigenous issues through film screenings organized with the imagineNATIVE film and media arts festival. 

Rochettes family cheered her on when she went to accept her award.

I cant describe how I feel its just amazing, said Rochettes mother, Shishigo Gijig.

Atik Bird learned about the history of colonialism at 91勛圖, then returned for a master's and is now applying for a PhD (photo by Johnny Guatto)

Bird's experience as a counselor at an Indigenous womens shelter in Toronto inspired her to go to university. 

I met a lot of women who had no idea why there was a need for an Indigenous womens shelter, why there was violence, why they couldnt get out of that cycle, said Bird, a member of the Montreal Lake First Nation. 

She went to 91勛圖 hoping to answer these women's questions and to use that knowledge to then empower her community.

She majored in history, studying colonialism and English, taking courses that improved her writing and taught her to dissect poetry. She earned her BA in 2012 and later returned to the university to do a master's in education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. 

The next year, she took a class called Indigenous Worldviews with her younger sister, a second-year undergrad in Aboriginal studies. Cynthia would have graduated this year, but was diagnosed with cancer and died before finishing her studies. 

When Atik earned her master's degree, she felt as though her sister was there with her, she said.

"Our parents were both in residential schools so the idea that both of us were here at this amazing university it just blows all the stereotypes away." 

The mother of four and grandmother of three is now considering applying to PhD programs, although she hasn't decided on a subject yet. 

Her partner, children and grandkids were in audience at First Nations House to support her.

Its good to know all her efforts and all the sacrifices she made were worth it, said her son Jon Bird.

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