
91勛圖 employees recognized with True Blue Awards

Faculty, librarians and staff from across the 91勛圖 were recognized by their colleagues almost 600 times for their contributions to service, leadership, innovation, citizenship, collaboration, and commitment to equity  in the second quarter of the fiscal year.

A total of 60 people received a True Blue Award from August through October.

Fostering excellence at the university starts with recognizing and celebrating the contributions of colleagues, big and small, says Lesa Holmes, communications and engagement manager with the division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture. Valuing the broad range of work happening across our tri-campus community contributes to advancing a culture of appreciation and inclusion at 91勛圖.

Congratulations to all True Blue award winners! I would encourage everyone to take a moment to celebrate those everyday contributions that make the Universitys work possible by sending a True Blue recognition to a colleague.

Recent winners include:

Shahzeb Ahmad, a web communications coordinator with Advancement Communications and Marketing, nominated by Donor Relations Officer Daniel Obradovich, for providing excellent service and being an outstanding collaborator

Ammena Ajaz, a business analyst with the 91勛圖 Mississaugas Information & Instructional Technology Services, nominated by ServiceNow Architect Nia McCash for going above-and-beyond and demonstrating excellent problem-solving skills in migrating a legacy java application

Kaitlyn Corlett, a senior project assistant with Innovation Hub, nominated by Manager Julia Allworth for her dedication to equity and inclusion, ensuring the hubs communications are inclusive and accessible to the broader community

See the complete list of winners