
Ask an expert: how do I strengthen my body with a busy schedule?

People doing yoga outside

Photo by Ken Jones

Susan Ivimey has been practicing yoga since she was a kid. “First from a book with my mom in our living room, then later to support my competitive figure skating and swimming, and now I’ve been teaching since 2010,” she says. The executive assistant at the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education shares her tips on enriching your fitness routine with yoga.

1. Breathe! 

Aim for calm, even, inhales and exhales no matter how vigorous your movement. 

2. Be kind to yourself and avoid negative self-talk.


3. Balance strength work with softening.

Foam rollers, stretching or a gentle swim are all great options to release.

4. Leverage your bones. 

Find an expert who can show you how to move properly to avoid potential injury. Faculty and staff who are members at KPE have access to a wide variety of instructors – everything from hatha and vinyasa yoga, to golf or weightlifting.

5. Do more twists and lateral bends. 

Seriously, they’re the best.
What else should we know about yoga and fitness? 
“Good yoga posture is not military posture,” she says. “Find some fluidity: let your shoulders drape like coat hangers over your ribs, lift your chest so you can breathe fully and imagine that your head is weightless. A lot of us have weak lower backs and glutes, which are not great for posture. Consider adding in some strengthening exercises like bridge, bird dog, or locust to strengthen those areas”. 
Ivimey emphasizes that  yoga is for everybody. “We offer free drop-in yoga classes for members at the Athletic Centre and Goldring Centre. Have a taste and see if you like it!” She also supports taking any class that sparks an interest. 
Ivimey also suggests to take any classes that spark your interest. “If you’re interested in yoga, take a class. If you want to learn to lift weights, take lessons. If you want to learn to run, join a running club (offered though KPE and Hart House).They’re all accessible to UofT faculty/staff, as long as they have a or a  or have. 


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